Thursday, December 29, 2005

FAQ - Gem Lore & Whatnots

Q. So what's this about the "metaphysical properties of ..."
A. Some people believe that crystals, stones and minerals have properties which go beyond their chemical composition. For example, citrine is supposed to be help bring abundance while amethyst is said to help cure insomnia.

I didn't know any of this when I started making jewellery, but soon got to know more. And what little I know, I share with you for fun!

Q. Do stones and crystals really cure ailments and bring wealth?
A. Some people believe they do. But what I write is based on what I've read, nothing more. So basically, I just summarise what I've found out from books or the internet.

I must admit though that there is a part of me which wishes that some of these "powers" are scientifically true cos I'd love to dive into a tub of whatever stone or mineral which can melt away them stubborn fats! Hahahahahaha!

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